Reporting and Tracking a Claim


Reporting a claim

You can report a claim in the following ways:

  1. Online through our web site ONLINE CLAIM REPORTING
  2. Via email:
  3. By telephone, call the Customer Service number +421 850 888 988
  4. In person at our office
  5. In writing to us at our registered address:
    PREMIUM Poisťovňa,
    pobočka poisťovne z iného členského štátu
    Námestie Mateja Korvína 1
    811 07 Bratislava
  6. Through the insurance broker if authorised to do this by the insured person
    using one of the methods listed in points 1 to 5.

Tracking a Claim

The status of the claim can be checked by the client or the insurance intermediary at any time through the online service TRACKING A CLAIM. A list of documents that have already been submitted to us for the given event will be displayed, as well as a list of documents that are still needed to complete the claim. Through this service, the client can simply send the required documents to us with a few clicks. It is not necessary to send the documents additionally by post or email.